Search Results 28 items were found.
Keywords: snowplow
- Item 12086
- Auger fan for a Leslie snowplow, ca. 1910
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1910
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11483
- Bangor and Aroostook Railroad snow plow, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Abel J. Morneault Memorial Library
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Van Buren
- Media: Color digital photograph
- Item 8921
- Cletrac snowplow, Portland, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 11805
- Bell Snow Plow, Littleton, 1936
- Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum
- Date: 1936
- Location: Littleton
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 8914
- Four-wheel drive truck with Sargent snowplow, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 10457
- Bangor and Aroostook Railroad snowplows, ca. 1940
- Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society
- Date: circa 1940
- Location: Oakfield
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 11693
- Wood snow plow, 1910
- Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum
- Date: 1910
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 8936
- Fordson caterpillar, Portland, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 10410
- Bangor and Aroostook engine 55 with snow plow, 1979
- Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society
- Date: 1979
- Location: Oakfield
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 80891
- The Narrow Gauge Plowing Snow, Monson, ca. 1890
- Contributed by: Monson Historical Society
- Date: circa 1890
- Location: Monson
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 51066
- Rotary snow plow, Portland, ca. 1910
- Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum
- Date: circa 1910
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 50943
- Snow plow, Bangor, ca. 1940
- Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum
- Date: circa 1940
- Location: Bangor
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 8939
- Mead-Morrison tractor, Portland, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 26829
- Plow #16, Portland, 1937
- Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum
- Date: 1937
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 8940
- Mead-Morrison tractor, Portland Company, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 8942
- 10-ton Sargent plow, Portland Company, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 8913
- Truck with Sargent plow, Portland, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 8920
- Four-wheel drive truck, Sargent plow, ca. 1920
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1920
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photoprint
- Item 13190
- Snow roller, Caribou, ca. 1930
- Contributed by: Caribou Public Library
- Date: circa 1930
- Location: Caribou
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 22757
- Snow roller, Castle Hill, ca. 1925
- Contributed by: Haystack Historical Society
- Date: circa 1925
- Location: Castle Hill
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 80896
- The No. 3 Engine, Monson, ca. 1930
- Contributed by: Monson Historical Society
- Date: circa 1930
- Location: Monson
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 8065
- Fitchburg & Leominster RR, Wedge & Wing plow, 1886
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1886-01-02
- Location: Portland
- Media: Albumen print
- Item 12378
- Cletrac crawler, ca. 1928
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1928
- Location: Portland
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 20725
- 3 ton REO truck, Houlton, ca. 1935
- Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Date: circa 1935
- Location: Houlton
- Media: Photographic print