Search Results 4 items were found.
Keywords: potato planter
- Item 18780
- Horse drawn potato planter, New Sweden, ca. 1922
- Contributed by: Nylander Museum
- Date: circa 1922
- Location: New Sweden
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 13201
- New Aspinwall Planter, Houlton, ca. 1915
- Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Date: circa 1915
- Location: Houlton; Jackson
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 13262
- Planting potatoes, Caribou, ca. 1947
- Contributed by: Caribou Public Library
- Date: circa 1947
- Location: Caribou
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 18512
- John Watson, Houllton, ca. 1890
- Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Date: circa 1890
- Location: Houlton
- Media: Photographic print