Search Results 1233 items were found.

Keywords: early

  1. Item 109025
    Manuscript map of Topsham Lots, 1763
    Manuscript map of Topsham Lots, 1763
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1763
    Location: Topsham
    Media: Ink on paper
  2. Item 12572
    Small Point, Phippsburg, 1731
    Small Point, Phippsburg, 1731
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1731
    Location: Brunswick; Phippsburg
    Media: Ink on paper
  3. Item 7541
    Reproduction of 1620 Charter from King James I to the Council for New England, 1885
    Reproduction of 1620 Charter from King James I to the Council for New England, 1885
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1620-11-03
    Media: Ink on paper
  4. Item 10762
    Enclosure map, Stroudwater, 1756
    Enclosure map, Stroudwater, 1756
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1756
    Location: Portland; Westbrook
    Media: Ink on paper
  5. Item 12940
    Map of lots G1 and G2 for James Pitts, near Clinton, 1769
    Map of lots G1 and G2 for James Pitts, near Clinton, 1769
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1769-11-07
    Location: Skowhegan
    Media: Ink on paper
  6. Item 10537
    Mare Point, Brunswick, 1717
    Mare Point, Brunswick, 1717
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1717
    Location: Brunswick
    Media: Ink on paper
  7. Item 80912
    Crane Home, Monson, ca. 1915
    Crane Home, Monson, ca. 1915
    Contributed by: Monson Historical Society
    Date: circa 1915
    Location: Monson
    Media: Photographic print
  8. Item 10067
    Perley Farm, Gray, ca. 1780
    Perley Farm, Gray, ca. 1780
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1780
    Location: Gray
    Media: Ink on paper
  9. Item 10763
    Chart of Casco Bay from the Atlantic Neptune, 1776
    Chart of Casco Bay from the Atlantic Neptune, 1776
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1776
    Media: Ink on paper, map
  10. Item 12196
    Map of Kennebec Purchase lots, ca. 1750
    Map of Kennebec Purchase lots, ca. 1750
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1750
    Media: Ink on paper
  11. Item 18722
    Modern rendering of John Small's map of Falmouth, 1753
    Modern rendering of John Small's map of Falmouth, 1753
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1753
    Location: Falmouth
    Media: Map, ink on paper
  12. Item 104458
    Round Pond fishing fleet, ca. 1870
    Round Pond fishing fleet, ca. 1870
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1870
    Location: Bristol
    Media: Tintype
  13. Item 12933
    Wing's Mill Pond settlers' lots, ca. 1795
    Wing's Mill Pond settlers' lots, ca. 1795
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1795
    Location: Belgrade
    Media: Ink on paper
  14. Item 6278
    The town of Falmouth, burnt by Capt. Moet, October 18, 1775
    The town of Falmouth, burnt by Capt. Moet, October 18, 1775
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1775-10-18
    Location: Portland
    Media: Photograph, map
  15. Item 12561
    Lots on Tinkham's Pond, Kennebec Patent, ca. 1800
    Lots on Tinkham's Pond, Kennebec Patent, ca. 1800
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1800
    Location: Chelsea; Whitefield
    Media: Ink on paper
  16. Item 68913
    Scarborough landowners, ca. 1800
    Scarborough landowners, ca. 1800
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1800
    Location: Scarborough
    Media: Ink on paper
  17. Item 68914
    Samuel Calf's land, Scarborough, 1786
    Samuel Calf's land, Scarborough, 1786
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1786
    Location: Scarborough
    Media: Ink on paper
  18. Item 11743
    Map of Harpswell, 1742
    Map of Harpswell, 1742
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1742-11-12
    Location: Harpswell
    Media: Ink on paper
  19. Item 22383
    North Yarmouth map, 1727
    North Yarmouth map, 1727
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1727
    Location: North Yarmouth; Falmouth; Freeport
    Media: Ink on paper
  20. Item 12627
    Merryconeag and Maquoit marshes, ca. 1730
    Merryconeag and Maquoit marshes, ca. 1730
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1730
    Location: Brunswick
    Media: Ink on paper
  21. Item 12630
    Upper end of Long Reach, Bath, 1728
    Upper end of Long Reach, Bath, 1728
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1728-11-18
    Location: Bath
    Media: Ink on paper
  22. Item 12626
    Mereconege Neck, Harpswell, ca. 1780
    Mereconege Neck, Harpswell, ca. 1780
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1760
    Location: Harpswell
    Media: Ink on paper
  23. Item 12937
    Map of lot no. 7, 135 acres on Madison Road, Skowhegan, ca. 1760
    Map of lot no. 7, 135 acres on Madison Road, Skowhegan, ca. 1760
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: circa 1760
    Location: Skowhegan
    Media: Ink on paper
  24. Item 11454
    Fort Land, Brunswick, 1763
    Fort Land, Brunswick, 1763
    Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
    Date: 1763-08-11
    Location: Brunswick; Topsham
    Media: Ink on paper