Search Results 22 items were found.
Keywords: Propaganda
- Item 102559
- Remember Belgium propaganda poster, ca. 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 102552
- Will You Have a Part in Victory? World War I poster, ca. 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 104320
- Join the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, World War II poster, ca. 1943
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1943
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 104323
- Poster and letter promoting the sale of War Bonds, 1944
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1944
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 102783
- You Wireless Fans, Help the Navy get the Hun Submarine World War I poster, ca. 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 102561
- Buy United States Government War Savings Stamps World War I poster, ca. 1917
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 104351
- "Cut logs now!," World War II poster, ca. 1943
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1943
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 105640
- Scenes in the State of Maine, 1855
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1855
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 102842
- Remarks on board the Julia E. Arey, 1860
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1860-11-05
- Location: Thomaston; Jefferson
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 15106
- Halt the Hun, World War 1 poster, 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1918
- Media: Ink on paper, Lithograph, poster
- Item 14805
- Joan of Arc saved France, World War I poster, ca. 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Media: Ink on paper, lithograph, poster
- Item 6784
- 5th Infantry, Portland, 1927
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Date: 1927
- Location: Portland
- Media: Glass Negative
- Item 103104
- Lest They Perish World War I poster, ca. 1917
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1917
- Location: New York
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 104350
- "Deliver us from evil: buy war bonds," World War II poster, 1943
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1943
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 102549
- "For Every Fighter A Woman Worker" Y.W.C.A. World War I poster, 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1918
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 104325
- An issue of "Big Guns" for selling war stamps, World War II pamphlet, ca. 1943
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1943
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 102560
- Beat back the Hun with Liberty Bonds World War I poster, 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1917
- Media: Lithograph
- Item 6779
- Soldier relaxing, Fort Williams, 1927
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media
- Date: 1927
- Location: Cape Elizabeth
- Media: Glass Negative
- Item 14408
- Eyes for the Navy Certificate of Acknowledgment, ca. 1918
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: circa 1918
- Location: Portland
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 18729
- Sugar cane harvesting in Cuba, 1873
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1873
- Location: Portland
- Media: Oil painting
- Item 102228
- "Falmouth burnt by the Kings troops" journal entry, Falmouth Neck, 1775
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1775
- Location: Portland; Falmouth
- Media: Ink on paper
- Item 103377
- "American divers at work," wreck of the USS "Maine," Havana, 1898
- Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
- Date: 1898
- Location: Havana
- Media: Stereograph