Search Results 7 items were found.
Keywords: IGA Stores
- Item 29406
- G.W. Knight Store, Dunstan Corner, ca. 1910
- Contributed by: Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
- Date: circa 1910
- Location: Scarborough
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 31299
- Central Street, Kirstein Block, Bangor, ca. 1935
- Contributed by: Bangor Historical Society
- Date: circa 1935
- Location: Bangor
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 34027
- Walnut Hill IGA Store, North Yarmouth, 1946
- Contributed by: North Yarmouth Historical Society
- Date: 1946
- Location: North Yarmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 101010
- Davis I.G.A Store, Lower Main Street, Bridgton, ca. 1938
- Contributed by: Bridgton Historical Society
- Date: circa 1938
- Location: Bridgton
- Media: Ink on paper, photograph
- Item 34029
- Gladys Thurber and Lena Darling, North Yarmouth, 1946
- Contributed by: North Yarmouth Historical Society
- Date: 1946
- Location: North Yarmouth
- Media: Photographic print
- Item 31346
- Murray's Pharmacy and Post Office, Scarborough, ca. 1950
- Contributed by: Scarborough Historical Society & Museum
- Date: circa 1950
- Location: Scarborough
- Media: Postcard
- Item 33763
- Switcher Engine #22, Guilford, ca. 1963
- Contributed by: Guilford Historical Society
- Date: 1960
- Location: Guilford
- Media: Photographic print