Item 33972 - Pepperell Trust Company, Main Street, Biddeford, 1955
- Item 33972 - Pepperell Trust Company, Main Street, Biddeford, 1955
- Contributed by McArthur Public Library
- Item 33972
- 3978px x 2470px - 13.3"w x 8.2"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of McArthur Public Library
Image Info Pepperell Trust Company as it stood on the corner or Washington and Main Streets, Biddeford, in 1955. The bank opened in 1907 and operated for 100 years. At one time lawyer and politician Louis B. Lausier was president of Pepperell Trust. The building was built in 1874, and was known then as the Exchange Block. In the early 1900s the building held Minnie Simensky's dry goods shop and the American Clothing Company. The first floor was remodelled in 1952. Smartly dressed women headed to work make their way along the sidewalk.
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