Item 29336 - Blue Hill Inn, ca. 1900
- Item 29336 - Blue Hill Inn, ca. 1900
- Contributed by Blue Hill Historical Society
- Item 29336
- 4747px x 3105px - 15.8"w x 10.3"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Blue Hill Historical Society
Image Info This three story hotel on Tenney Hill was built by George Stover in 1892. William R. Emerson, a proponent of the "Shingle Style", was the architect. There were 34 bedrooms. It had electric lights 22 years before electric power reached the town of Blue Hill. Steamboats were met by carriages from the hotel. Available activities included tennis, buckboard rides to Caterpiller Hill and Castine, sailing parties in Blue Hill Bay and dancing in the evening to the hotel's own orchestra. The property went through a series of owners and finally closed after the season of 1924. It burned to the ground on May, 19, 1933.
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