Item 29059 - Biddeford Journal staff and newsboys, June 30, 1912
- Item 29059 - Biddeford Journal staff and newsboys, June 30, 1912
- Contributed by McArthur Public Library
- Item 29059
- 6103px x 2329px - 20.3"w x 7.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of McArthur Public Library
Image Info Biddeford Journal staff and newsboys, June 30, 1912. They are lined up to go parade to the Eagles' Carnival being held at Piper's Field.
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Notice the boy standing in the doorway of the Journal Building just behind the third bandsman is sticking out his tongue.
These young newsboys were dressed in Knickerbockers or knickers that were a men's or boys' baggy knee trousers particularly popular in the early twentieth century.
The band is not identified but a very popular band of that era was the Painchaud Band whose members may have assembled to accompany the newsboys in the parade.