Item 148229 - Prospect Point, Western Promenade, Portland, 1887

Item 148229 - Prospect Point, Western Promenade, Portland, 1887
Contributed by City of Portland - Planning & Development
Item 148229
Prospect Point, Western Promenade, Portland, 1887
4747px x 2925px - 15.8"w x 9.8"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of City of Portland - Planning & Development
Image Info

Prospect Point, located on the Western Promenade, was built by William A. Goodwin between 1884-1885. Goodwin, the civil engineer for the City of Portland, designed the seating area atop a retaining wall at the head of Bowdoin Street. Comprised of variegated stone, the wall and terrace reincorporated debris from nearby construction sites.

The site offered spectacular views over the Fore River. The Maine Central Railroad, Thompson’s Point, and Libbytown can be seen, with the White Mountains in the distance.

William S. Edwards, who worked alongside Goodwin, included this photograph in an album which documented City of Portland municipal projects.

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