Item 108831 - Lot plans, Vassalboro, 1774

Item 108831 - Lot plans, Vassalboro, 1774
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 108831
Lot plans, Vassalboro, 1774
3741px x 4654px - 12.5"w x 15.5"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

A map of planned lots around an unspecified body of water in Vassalboro. The lots detailed are numbered 1-39, 190-194, and 231-238. On the back is written "Copy of Mr. John Jones's plan of land in Vassallborough made the 29 March 1774." On the front is written the scale of the map, as well as the phrase "Boston February 27 1806."

This item is part of a larger archival collection (Coll. 60,) which is completely digitized. To search the entire collection visit our Beyond Borders search page

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