Item 103227 - The Lafayette Hotel fire, Houlton, 1911
- Item 103227 - The Lafayette Hotel fire, Houlton, 1911
- Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
- Item 103227
- 3100px x 4746px - 10.3"w x 15.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
Image Info The Lafayette Hotel was destroyed by fire on Wednesday, February 15th, 1911. The fire completely gutted the building on Main street entailing a loss of $35,000 with $12,000 covered by insurance. Mr. Thibodeau, the owner operator of The Lafayette Hotel, thought it may have started in the dining area.
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The temperature was 20 degrees below zero and the water froze as it hit the building. The firemen were coated with ice, making for very uncomfortable work.
In addition to the hotel office on the street level, there was a barbershop conducted by Robert Hull, and on the west side a vacant store in which was stored in case lots, some millinery stock owned by G. M. Phillips & Company. In the basement were the bowling alleys and the billiard room of Mr. Thomas Dobbins.