Item 102359 - R.M.S "Scythia" travel log card, September, 1927
- Item 102359 - R.M.S "Scythia" travel log card, September, 1927
- Contributed by Maine Historical Society
- Item 102359
- 4920px x 3229px - 16.4"w x 10.8"h @ 300dpi | Need a larger size?
- *Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info The R.M.S. Scythia shipped out from Boston, Massachusetts on September 9th, 1927. The ship was recruited for a voyage to France in honor of the tenth anniversary of America's entry in World War I.
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The log tracks the whole voyage the Le Havre, France, spanning about eight days, arriving on September 17th. This log records the longitude and latitude positions, weather patterns for each day, departure and arrival times, and an approximate length of passage between the U.S. and Europe.
It should be noted that this log is known as an abstract because it is prepared ahead of time and contains the projected times and weather patterns. Such things were subject to change once the voyage was underway.