Item 66654 - Kimball House, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1935

Item 66654 - Kimball House, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1935
Contributed by Boston Public Library
Item 66654
Kimball House, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1935
3297px x 2097px - 11.0"w x 7.0"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Boston Public Library
Image Info

Kimball House was a summer hotel located in Northeast Harbor, Maine that often attracted an elite clientele and boasted a large formal garden and cottages leading to the harbor. The hotel opened in 1887 and was later passed from the management of the Kimball family to a group of businessmen that included Nelson and David Rockefeller.

Under the Kimballs, the hotel was known for its elaborate services, including dog walking by bellhops and high quality meals consisting of anything requested by patrons delivered to them both indoors and out as they enjoyed the rocky oceanside setting. Elite society members would often buckboard from Bar Harbor and spend the day on the property, while Monday night dances and smorgasboards attracted many visitors.

The hotel was demolished in the 1960s as clientele in hotels around the area diminished over the years and too many physical repairs were required for the building.

The caption reads, "Kimball House, North East Harbor, Maine."

The Tichnor Brothers printing company published this type of postcard circa 1930-1945.

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