Item 31732 - SEE NOTES Save Your Ashes advertisement, Hallowell, 1819

Item 31732 - SEE NOTES Save Your Ashes advertisement, Hallowell, 1819
Contributed by Hubbard Free Library
Item 31732
SEE NOTES Save Your Ashes advertisement, Hallowell, 1819
8965px x 5187px - 29.9"w x 17.3"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Hubbard Free Library
Image Info

A great demand for wood ashes existed during the first half of the 19th century and the Town of Hallowell was ready to meet it. A settler could either collect and sell the plain wood ash, or he could blanch it in a large vat and boil it down to produce pot-ash (potash).

If that residue was baked in an oven, the carbon in the residue would cook off, leaving a product called pearl-ash. Both pot-ash and pearl-ash were worth more than any other product a farmer could produce, and large quantities were shipped from Hallowell.

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