Item 23772 - Longfellow's birthplace, Portland, ca. 1902

Item 23772 - Longfellow's birthplace, Portland, ca. 1902
Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Item 23772
Longfellow's birthplace, Portland, ca. 1902
4285px x 3359px - 14.3"w x 11.2"h @ 300dpi  |  Need a larger size?
*Credit line must read: Collections of Maine Historical Society
Image Info

Dining room of the Samuel Stephenson (1775-ca.1821) home on Fore and Hancock streets in Portland.

Captain Samuel Stephenson, brother-in-law of Stephen Longfellow, invited Zilpah and Stephen to stay in his home in 1806 when Stephenson was away on business.

The Longfellows' second son, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was born at this house.

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